Labcorp Houston is a Laboratory located in Houston, TX capable of running the full gambit of medical lab testing. Almost all insurances are accepted and if you are uninsured please be sure to ask for the cash pay price as often the list price of laboratory procedures are marked up significantly. Appointments are almost always required so please call 281-955-7356 ahead of time to schedule an appointment. Please note, doctors' orders are often required to have lab work done.
Most Expensive in the Area | $150 |
Least Expensive in the Area | $20 |
Potential Savings:
Labcorp Houston is committed to providing outstanding patient care in the Houston, TX area, but before you commit to Labcorp Houston for a Basic Metabolic Panel make sure you compare and shop other medical facilities. It may save you hundreds (in some cases thousands) of dollars. View a Basic Metabolic Panel cost comparison for Houston and Request a Free Quote before you make a decision.
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