San Antonio Endoscopy Center

San Antonio Endoscopy Center is a GI Diagnostic Center in San Antonio, TX. This medical facility offers procedures at prices which are above average for the market. They are located at 8550 Datapoint Dr, Suite 100 in San Antonio, TX 78229

New Choice Health strives to provide important information that you should consider prior to purchasing procedures. Before you consider using San Antonio Endoscopy Center, please compare other San Antonio, TX area providers. Request a Free Quote.

Featured Procedure Costs San Antonio Endoscopy Center

Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,250 - $3,200 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,300 - $3,300 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
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Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
Do NOT trust their auto billing system. Everything was going fine, until they deducted from my acct. the amt. of $271.80 to PAY for their OWN ACCOUNTING/AUDITING/BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Essentially, I am paying for their TAX ACCOUNTING FEES! NO BODY WILL CALL ME BACK EITHER!
2 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
Do NOT trust their auto billing system. Everything was going fine, until they deducted from my acct. the amt. of $271.80 to PAY for their OWN ACCOUNTING/AUDITING/BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Essentially, I am paying for their TAX ACCOUNTING FEES! NO BODY WILL CALL ME BACK EITHER!
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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3 stars
3 stars
On Friday 10/22/21 I had a Colonoscopy. They made me wear a mask though I'm fully vaccinate 3 Pfizer shots with a card in my purse. They never asked to see my vaccination card. I threw up in my mask while under sedation. They suctioned the vomit out with a hose. The anesthesiologist was not wearing a mask when he came to see me wake up. I should never have been made to wear a mask while under sedation. All weekend I coughed up blood/mucous from the tube being put down my throat. It was a horrible experience. No one with a vaccination card should have to wear a mask, especially while under sedation. Just put a visor on me if that worried. Unbelievable!!!! An ugly experience. No one would have even known I threw up had it not been for the nurse who told everyone its leaking out of her mask!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ME FOR SURE!!!!
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Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,250 - $3,200 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,300 - $3,300 Free Quote
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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4 stars
4 stars
3 stars
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0 stars
0 stars
Do NOT trust their auto billing system. Everything was going fine, until they deducted from my acct. the amt. of $271.80 to PAY for their OWN ACCOUNTING/AUDITING/BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Essentially, I am paying for their TAX ACCOUNTING FEES! NO BODY WILL CALL ME BACK EITHER!
2 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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4 stars
4 stars
2 stars
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0 stars
0 stars
Do NOT trust their auto billing system. Everything was going fine, until they deducted from my acct. the amt. of $271.80 to PAY for their OWN ACCOUNTING/AUDITING/BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Essentially, I am paying for their TAX ACCOUNTING FEES! NO BODY WILL CALL ME BACK EITHER!
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
by on
4 stars
0 stars
0 stars
3 stars
3 stars
3 stars
On Friday 10/22/21 I had a Colonoscopy. They made me wear a mask though I'm fully vaccinate 3 Pfizer shots with a card in my purse. They never asked to see my vaccination card. I threw up in my mask while under sedation. They suctioned the vomit out with a hose. The anesthesiologist was not wearing a mask when he came to see me wake up. I should never have been made to wear a mask while under sedation. All weekend I coughed up blood/mucous from the tube being put down my throat. It was a horrible experience. No one with a vaccination card should have to wear a mask, especially while under sedation. Just put a visor on me if that worried. Unbelievable!!!! An ugly experience. No one would have even known I threw up had it not been for the nurse who told everyone its leaking out of her mask!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ME FOR SURE!!!!
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how San Antonio Endoscopy Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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