Anchorage Endoscopy Center

Anchorage Endoscopy Center is an GI Diagnostic Center in Anchorage, AK. This medical facility offers procedures at prices which are below average for the market. They are located at 2841 Debarr Rd Ste 51 in Anchorage, AK 99508

New Choice Health strives to provide important information that you should consider prior to purchasing procedures. Before you consider using Anchorage Endoscopy Center, please compare other Anchorage, AK area providers. Request a Free Quote.

Featured Procedure Costs Anchorage Endoscopy Center

Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,850 - $4,800 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,950 - $5,000 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
My colonoscopy went well. However, I did wake up too soon from the conscience sedation and felt pain. Additionally, I heard the Dr. yelling at the nurses. The nurse saw that I was awake and gave not further medication. Since I had so many polyps removed I was charged extra. I am on a limited income as a single person so I have been making payments on a regular basis. Every time I get a bill I am threatened by the billing staff. The bill states they are going to take me to collections. I call and ask if they are getting the payments, they say yes they are getting the payments. They want to put you in collections for not paying in full and they are extremely agressive and demeaning about it. As long as I am paying consistently they can threaten to put me into collections but I think they will have a hard time. If they try to put anybody's bill into collections I would seek the advice of an attorney, especially if you are making consistent payments and have not missed any. I cannot recommend Anchorage Endoscopy for the above reason. Their work is good but the bedside manner of the Dr. and nurses is poor. The billing staff is rude and lacks any reason for their actions.
2 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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3 stars
3 stars
3 stars
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0 stars
My overall experience with the staff and the procedure itself was uneventful – I was comfortable and well cared for before, during and after the procedure. However, billing is another story completely. I found the billing dept staff to be uninformed and uninterested in providing a minimum of customer service. They do not hesitate to send nasty grams seeking payment even when their information is outdated. You call their one and only phone # only to listen to it ring and ring and ring – you must try daily with the hopes that they finally pick up the phone and when they do, you are surprised to learn they don’t know anything except how to accept your payment – BUT YOU MUST PROVIDE ALL THE DETAILS because they don’t have them. I won’t return to this facility for a follow-up simply because the billing approach (or lack thereof) was tedious and will put you at risk if it impacts your credit rating because you can’t contact them in a timely fashion (won’t answer the phone). It’s too bad the provider has to deal with such inexperienced billing personnel. I almost called them Peggy by the time I was finished with them.
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
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1 stars
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0 stars
0 stars
I received a bill from Anchorage Endoscopy stating that VA had not paid the bill and if payment was not received in 15 days I would have to pay it. The man that I talked to it was not helpful and on the very tip of being rude. It is not my job to get their bills paid, they should be calling the insurance What the charges on the bill do not co-incide with our papers of what was done. They said EGD brush wash and we were at Providence having a CT scan. I will never go back here.
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Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,850 - $4,800 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,950 - $5,000 Free Quote
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
by on
1 stars
1 stars
1 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
My colonoscopy went well. However, I did wake up too soon from the conscience sedation and felt pain. Additionally, I heard the Dr. yelling at the nurses. The nurse saw that I was awake and gave not further medication. Since I had so many polyps removed I was charged extra. I am on a limited income as a single person so I have been making payments on a regular basis. Every time I get a bill I am threatened by the billing staff. The bill states they are going to take me to collections. I call and ask if they are getting the payments, they say yes they are getting the payments. They want to put you in collections for not paying in full and they are extremely agressive and demeaning about it. As long as I am paying consistently they can threaten to put me into collections but I think they will have a hard time. If they try to put anybody's bill into collections I would seek the advice of an attorney, especially if you are making consistent payments and have not missed any. I cannot recommend Anchorage Endoscopy for the above reason. Their work is good but the bedside manner of the Dr. and nurses is poor. The billing staff is rude and lacks any reason for their actions.
2 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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3 stars
3 stars
3 stars
1 stars
1 stars
0 stars
My overall experience with the staff and the procedure itself was uneventful – I was comfortable and well cared for before, during and after the procedure. However, billing is another story completely. I found the billing dept staff to be uninformed and uninterested in providing a minimum of customer service. They do not hesitate to send nasty grams seeking payment even when their information is outdated. You call their one and only phone # only to listen to it ring and ring and ring – you must try daily with the hopes that they finally pick up the phone and when they do, you are surprised to learn they don’t know anything except how to accept your payment – BUT YOU MUST PROVIDE ALL THE DETAILS because they don’t have them. I won’t return to this facility for a follow-up simply because the billing approach (or lack thereof) was tedious and will put you at risk if it impacts your credit rating because you can’t contact them in a timely fashion (won’t answer the phone). It’s too bad the provider has to deal with such inexperienced billing personnel. I almost called them Peggy by the time I was finished with them.
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
1 stars
1 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
I received a bill from Anchorage Endoscopy stating that VA had not paid the bill and if payment was not received in 15 days I would have to pay it. The man that I talked to it was not helpful and on the very tip of being rude. It is not my job to get their bills paid, they should be calling the insurance What the charges on the bill do not co-incide with our papers of what was done. They said EGD brush wash and we were at Providence having a CT scan. I will never go back here.
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Anchorage Endoscopy Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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