Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - West

Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - West Logo
Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - Toledo West is committed to providing outstanding patient care in the Toledo area, but before you commit to Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - Toledo West for a procedure make sure you compare and shop for the medical procedures you require. It may save you hundreds of dollars. To compare Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - Toledo West to other healthcare providers in the Toledo, OH area simply click on the procedure name below to see the other facilities and prices in your area.

Featured Procedure Costs Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - West

Procedure Price Range
CT Bone Density Scan $250 - $500 Free Quote
Brain CT Scan $250 - $600 Free Quote
CT Ear $350 - $600 Free Quote
CT Maxillofacial (Sinus) $250 - $500 Free Quote
CT Neck $250 - $500 Free Quote
CT Spine and Neck $250 - $500 Free Quote
Thoracic CT Scan - Thorax $250 - $500 Free Quote
Chest CT Scan $250 - $500 Free Quote
View All Procedures...
Featured Reviews
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1 stars
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1 stars
1 stars
0 stars
Beware! I was sent to PDI and personally billed for over a thousand dollars that my insurance company was to pay for in-network services. It took me over a YEAR for PDI to correctly submit the invoice to my insurance. PDI threaten to send me to a collection agency for their own errors. Insurance paid PDI but only after a struggle with PDI to correct their billing errors.Today, I received a call from a collection agency! PDI sent me to collections for a small amount that was not paid by my insurance. I never received an invoice for the small amount - I would have paid it if I knew I owed it. BAM, just sent to collections to ruin my credit rating. Shame on you PDI, never again will I go to PDI. Their billing department is a total nightmare! Beware!
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0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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1 stars
1 stars
1 stars
1 stars
1 stars
0 stars
Beware! I was sent to PDI and personally billed for over a thousand dollars that my insurance company was to pay for in-network services. It took me over a YEAR for PDI to correctly submit the invoice to my insurance. PDI threaten to send me to a collection agency for their own errors. Insurance paid PDI but only after a struggle with PDI to correct their billing errors.Today, I received a call from a collection agency! PDI sent me to collections for a small amount that was not paid by my insurance. I never received an invoice for the small amount - I would have paid it if I knew I owed it. BAM, just sent to collections to ruin my credit rating. Shame on you PDI, never again will I go to PDI. Their billing department is a total nightmare! Beware!
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Precision Diagnostic Imaging - PDI - West compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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