Brandywine Valley Endoscopy Center

Brandywine Valley Endoscopy Center is a GI Diagnostic Center in Downingtown, PA. This medical facility offers procedures at prices which are above average for the market. They are located at 150 E Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 320 in Downingtown, PA 19335

New Choice Health strives to provide important information that you should consider prior to purchasing procedures. Before you consider using Brandywine Valley Endoscopy Center, please compare other Philadelphia, PA area providers. Request a Free Quote.

Featured Procedure Costs Brandywine Valley Endoscopy Center

Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,300 - $3,300 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,350 - $3,500 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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4 stars
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2 stars
2 stars
When I arrived the receptionist did not ask for any identification! That is a requirement! The receptionists is very rude. My husband called to check on me and she was rude to him. I received a call two days, not the next day, as a follow up and missed the call! I called back and got the receptionist! I explained that I was up the previous night vomiting and diarrhea! This was between the hours of 3 and 5am! She them lectured me for not calling! She then told me it most likely had nothing to do with the procedures and to call us it recurred! The first nurse that took care of me was extremely nice and proficient with IV’s. She made me feel comfortable. She asked all the necessary questions and verification as to who I am and what I was there for. The anesthesiologist had no bedside manner what so ever! If anything he made me nervous! He seemed to disregard my concern of becoming ill from sedation. When taking me into the procedure room I was not spoken to by the nurse until she had to put the mouthpiece in. I felt as if I was in a auto shop waiting on a tuneup! Not a word from her or the anesthesiologist!!! The only time was to ask me to remove my mask, tell me about her putting this mouth piece in and that was it!!! Another woman came in and sat at a computer and she didn’t say a word!! My doctor, Dr Meyers, thank God, came in and joked with me! At this point, until he came in, I was scared to death! The anesthesiologist took my arm without saying a word and administered the sedation. My doctor asked if I was ready for a good nap! Upon waking I had a wonderful nurse. She had to start me on IV fluids to get my blood pressure back up! She watched me closely! When I was discharged, I was walked to the reception area. I waited there alone until my husband walked up to get me! I could have very well left and driven myself home! In closing, I will NEVER, go to this facility again!
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Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,300 - $3,300 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,350 - $3,500 Free Quote
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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4 stars
2 stars
0 stars
2 stars
2 stars
2 stars
When I arrived the receptionist did not ask for any identification! That is a requirement! The receptionists is very rude. My husband called to check on me and she was rude to him. I received a call two days, not the next day, as a follow up and missed the call! I called back and got the receptionist! I explained that I was up the previous night vomiting and diarrhea! This was between the hours of 3 and 5am! She them lectured me for not calling! She then told me it most likely had nothing to do with the procedures and to call us it recurred! The first nurse that took care of me was extremely nice and proficient with IV’s. She made me feel comfortable. She asked all the necessary questions and verification as to who I am and what I was there for. The anesthesiologist had no bedside manner what so ever! If anything he made me nervous! He seemed to disregard my concern of becoming ill from sedation. When taking me into the procedure room I was not spoken to by the nurse until she had to put the mouthpiece in. I felt as if I was in a auto shop waiting on a tuneup! Not a word from her or the anesthesiologist!!! The only time was to ask me to remove my mask, tell me about her putting this mouth piece in and that was it!!! Another woman came in and sat at a computer and she didn’t say a word!! My doctor, Dr Meyers, thank God, came in and joked with me! At this point, until he came in, I was scared to death! The anesthesiologist took my arm without saying a word and administered the sedation. My doctor asked if I was ready for a good nap! Upon waking I had a wonderful nurse. She had to start me on IV fluids to get my blood pressure back up! She watched me closely! When I was discharged, I was walked to the reception area. I waited there alone until my husband walked up to get me! I could have very well left and driven myself home! In closing, I will NEVER, go to this facility again!
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Brandywine Valley Endoscopy Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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